Monday, November 11, 2013

It happened!

I feel SO accomplished right now, and I didn't even technically do anything except sleep! When you're studying a new language, a huge milestone is when you start to dream in the language you're studying. It means that you're brain is thinking in that new language and that you're really starting to integrate it into your life.

Well last night, I had a dream that was partly in Spanish! WOO! Now let's be clear, it wasn't great spanish, but I don't care. It was in Spanish. I was walking down the hallway of my house here in Chile, and suddenly Jorge ran out of his room to greet me. I greeted him in Spanish (just like I always do), but the kicker was that he greeted me back in English. Perfect English. Which is completely absurd because the kid can't even say a proper Spanish word. After he greeted me, my friends and I just started laughing and talking about how cute he was, but it was a mix of Spanish and English the whole dream. Not much. But definitely a milestone for me and I am thrilled!

This may be my shortest blog ever. But I had to give that little update! Ciao!

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